MoReq2010® introduces a new acronym to the jargon of a records manager. That acronym is “MCRS” meaning “MoReq2010® Compliant Records System”.
There are lots of generic industry acronyms like ERMS, EDRMS, CMS and ECM, to name but a few. These terms are vague, they could mean anything, and they are frequently used for marketing purposes.
By comparison, MCRS has a highly specific meaning. It means that the product is compliant with MoReq2010®, it has undergone testing by an accredited test centre, and the supplier can produce a certificate issued by the DLM Forum.
Compliance with MoReq2010® is highly valuable as the specification is designed around the needs of interoperability. MCRS solutions can speak the same language – other records systems only speak their own proprietary language.
In the future one records manager may say to another, “Is your system just an ERMS, or is it an MCRS?”